Thursday, May 28, 2009

Preschool Grad!

Brock just had preschool graduation. It was so fun to go and watch his class sing all the songs they have been learning. Brock has learned so much from preschool and made so many friends. He will really miss Miss Janalynn and all the fun things they did. But in just a few short months he will start his new adventure in Kindergarten and he can hardly wait!


The Byers Family said...

Oh how excited I was to see an update from you! I can't believe our little Brock has grown so big! I'm so excited for him to start the big K! It'll be such a fun time! Congrats on graduating preschool Brock!

Kristen said...

He looks so cute in his hat. For some reason Wyatt's preschool didn't do graduation hats this year like they did when my first two were in. Oh, well I am already counting down the days to September for Wyatt to start Kindergarten. He needs someone besides me telling him what to do.

Melissa said...

I can't believe Brock will be in Kindergarten! Its crazy how fast he has grown!

Kiersti said...

Woo hoo Buddy! He's getting so big - huger than my life!